Club Marketing &
Management Services

335 N. Last Chance Gulch
P.O. Box 1156
Helena, MT 59624
(406) 449-5559
Fax: (406) 449-0110

Service And Retention Workshop
Featuring the new R•Trac© System
Course Description

THE PROGRAM FORMAT -Member retention is proving to be the key challenge in the club industry today. Certainly retention doesn't just happen by mistake.It is an attitude, a systematic approach, a responsibility and most of all it must be a major objective and priority of club management. This program will give you a step by step membership retention plan and system ready for immediate implementation. It will include daily, weekly and monthly targets for you and your staff to meet and beat. You will learn in detail every step that must be taken to achieve world class retention figures
It is time to stop losing members!!

COURSE CONTENT - As a result of attending this workshop, you will leave with a member retention plan ready for immediate implementation at your club, a plan that will help decrease the number of members you are currently losing.

You will learn:
•How to develop a member retention plan for your club.
•How to develop a service mentality throughout your entire staff.
•Why some clubs lose 75% of their members each year while others lose only 20%.
•Why members REALLY quit your club and why they STAY.
•And of course how to prevent them from quitting.
•How to insure long term members from day one..
•How your current systems may be driving your members out the front
door and how to change.

What you receive:
•A member retention planbook ready to be customized based on your clubs
goals and objectives.A complete R-Trac (retention tracking)  system ready to be used the day you return to your club.

Who should attend:
Anyone from your club involved in the management or administration of your club's member service and retention plan. This would include owners, managers, department heads, and service directors.

CMS Classes - Club College